About Fee Sheet

“Money will not solve all your problems. But it will solve all your money problems.”

— Naval Ravikant

Below you will read:

  • The problem Fee Sheet will aim to solve

  • The reason personal finance advice is almost all crap

  • What to expect: Format

  • What to expect: Frequency

The problem

There is a problem.

Rather, there are two. Let’s call them self worth and net worth.

Self worth is an intrinsic measure. It exists within your body and within your mind.

Net worth is an extrinsic measure. It exists in spreadsheets, bank accounts, asset lists.

The ability to get paid increases your capacity in both measures.

Struggling to get paid creates a multitude of downstream problems that negatively affect almost everything in your life.

  • Your health.

  • Your relationships.

  • Your happiness.

Almost everything in your life turns out bad if you can’t get paid.

But not being able to get paid is a solvable problem.

Personal finance advice is almost all crap

So much personal finance advice out there is about budgeting, or managing your money, or investing.

But what this advice overlooks is that hundreds of millions of people around the world don’t have any money in the first place.

Or don’t have enough.

Budgeting advice is worthless when your income doesn’t meet your basic necessities.

Investment advice is useless when you’re struggling to get through the week.

So the problem is clear.

Not enough income.

The problem behind that problem?

Not knowing how to get paid.

And the problem behind that problem?

Not having a solid sense of self worth.

These are the problems Fee Sheet will try to solve, one piece of writing at a time.

What to expect: format

All the writing here will fall into three buckets.

  • Shorter articles → one idea succinctly expressed. The typical reading time for 600 words is about three minutes, so all Shorts will be about 600 words or less. (Examples: “Three thoughts on being broken” and “The enduring dangers of bitterness” are both around 500 words.)

  • Longer essaysEssays will be deeper explorations on a topic or idea. Anywhere above 600 words. Most will be in the 1000-2000-word range. There might be some much longer essays here too — I’ve written 6000+ word essays in the past, like this one that I turned into a short book — but they will be rare. (Examples: “Welcome to the frontier-land” and “Apple’s new ad and the world we live in” are both around 1700 words, or 8-10 minutes reading time).

  • In-depth interviews → there are lots of great interview YouTube shows and podcasts out there. This will be different. This will be longform written Q&A interviews, a bit like the old Paris Review style pieces with famous writers, poets and artists. The interview subjects will all be impressive people doing interesting things to make a living and make a life. The first in-depth interviews will be published in June 2024.

What to expect: frequency

Five new and original posts a week.

I will aim to publish two new interviews per month, so the other ~18 pieces each month will be split between Essays and Shorts.

When you sign up, you will be invited to pay.

The expectation is that if you commit to letting the writing here access and influence your psyche, it will both transform your mindset and your bank balance, as well as everything those two things influence.

No filler. No bullshit.

No endless droning paragraphs just to hit keywords for an SEO target list.

Just solid, timeless essays, stories, wisdom and role models to help you get paid.

This month. Next month. Every month.

Subscribe to Fee Sheet

Know your worth. Grow your worth. Get paid your worth.


Writer, journalist, podcaster. A good day is spent researching, reading, listening and writing.